Abstracts presented at the Sixteenth International Biennial Congress of the International Academy of Periodontology. Held in Brasnov, Romania from 27-29 April 2017


The International Academy of Periodontology (IAP) was founded in 1985 with the mission of spreading the research and developments in periodontology across the globe and among other dental and medical fields. In keeping with this mission, the IAP coordinates the presentation of the latest scientific and clinical findings in periodontology during its biennial congresses, bringing international experts together with local and regional leaders, students and trainees in periodontology. Every two years, the IAP organizes an international congress. In 2017, the 16th International Biennial Congress of the International Academy of Periodontology was held in Brasov, Romania from 27 to 29 April, 2017. The congress was organized by Anton Sculean of the University of Bern, Switzerland, Alpdogan Kantarci of the Forsyth Institute, Boston, USA, and Raluca Cosgarea, of the University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. There, a slate of renowned speakers in basic science, clinical periodontology and implantology presented the latest findings in periodontology and implantology to an audience of over 500 attendees. All participants in the congress had the opportunity to present their research in the form of a poster presentation. The presentations were divided into basic sciences and clinical sciences. In an effort to disseminate the information presented by these posters to the global periodontal community, a supplement to the Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology was prepared. This supplemental issue of the Journal contains the abstracts of these poster presentations. Mark R. Patters, DDS, Ph.D. Editor The Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology

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Abstracts presented at the Sixteenth International Biennial Congress of the International Academy of Periodontology. Held in Brasnov, Romania from 27-29 April 2017 Download